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Omega 3 in Fish Oil
Omega 3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) play a role in preventing Degenerative Diseases since the fetus and during adult. At the time of the fetus in the womb, the EPA is necessary in the formation of cells of blood vessels and heart. At the time of growth and adult, EPA can nourish the blood, veins and working mechanisms regulating sac circulation. Therefore due to the lack of omega-3 EPA, could be at risk of suffering from heart and blood vessel disease.

EPA in Omega 3 and arachidonic acid (derived from red meat and vegetable food) is a key element of prostaglandins synthesis of compounds that play a role in the health of the circulatory system of the process of atherosclerosis, heart disease, hypertension, stroke, etc.

In the body, Omega 3 (EPA) competes with AA in generating prostaglandin metabolites with antagonistic functions. For example, prostaglandin metabolite of EPA serves thin the blood, whereas the metabolites of AA thicken, which is required at the time of surgery or serious injury. For example : EPA metabolites function is dilate blood vessels, while the AA metabolites constrict.

So, even though his antagonists, both metabolites were working together Healthy circulatory system in the body. According to dr. Fadilah Supari (1998), Heart Disease experts from the Faculty of Medicine University, the balance ratio of EPA, DHA, and AA in the blood of infants, adolescents, or adults can be used as one indicator to predict risk of vascular system disorders and Cardiovascular Disease in the future. For it is necessary for early preventive efforts to avoid this Degenerative Disease. Supply of food sources of Omega 3, EPA, DHA, AA, and alpha-linolenic acid should be consumed in a balanced ratio.

Since preconception or from couples planning to have children, mothers are very important role in determining the health and intelligence of the child to be born. Some things to consider is the aspect of Nutrition, Health, and religion.

According to Prof. Darwin Karyadi (1998), from the aspect of nutrition, there are two ways of fulfilling the purposes of maternal nutrition since preconception. First by taking nutritional supplements (iron, iodine, vitamin A, omega-3). Both by way of food based (patterns and eating habits).

The first way is done in a state of emergency and temporary. This method is not recommended for long periods because of the risk of an overdose and not economical. Fish Oil or Omega 3 is beneficial but should not be consumed excessively. Harm, if consumed in excessive amounts, among other entities generally odorless fish oil, causing indigestion and bleeding at the time of injury, surgery, or nose bleeds if attacked will be much longer recovery due to slow blood clotting process.

In addition, excess Fish Oil can also result in poisoning vitamin A and D because fish oil contains both vitamin that, especially when extracted from fish liver. Fish liver is also the place stacked toxic substances, especially if the marine environment where the fish was contaminated with toxic metals living. When the oil-contaminated fish until pestiside in the processing process, certainly will not meet Health and hygiene procedures.

When compared with fresh fish, Fish Oil prices would be more expensive because consumers are burdened with the cost of high production and marketing. Therefore the use of fish oil extract should consult with a physician or nutritionist.

Thus, a better way, safe, economical, and effective by relying on the actual daily consumption of food alone (food based). Food sources of essential fatty acids and Omega 3 mainly found in animal foods such as fish and sea vegetable lemuru, tuna, mackerel, tuna, cod, sea grass, seaweed, etc.. While other foods such as vegetable oils and green vegetables.

The advantage of this natural way, consumption does not only contain essential fatty acids and omega-3, but also other nutrients that also contribute vital for Healthy fetal brain and intelligence.

Improvement of maternal health should be done since preconception, during pregnancy and to the toddler, including immunizations, vaccinations, and other health checks. This is very helpful perfection of growth and development of fetuses and infants. As well as prevention and protection against diseases that endanger the development of the child such as polio, measles, tetanus, diphtheria, and hepatitis.